How do I use Deep Linking to prevent broken URLs?
Last Updated: Nov 24, 2022     Views: 306

Linking to OneSearch

This section describes how to create a 'deep link' to a physical item that is in the Library. This is a link that is much more reliable, when adding a book or article to a reading list or webpage.

  1. Firstly, carry out a search for the item in OneSearch
  2. When you have found the item you want click on the title and the full view of the record will open - look under the 'Send to' options and you will see an option to create a 'Permalink'
  3. The resulting URL will link back to that item and can be used on any Web page


Linking to a DOI

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of a journal article is often given on publisher Websites – here is an example: 10.1016/j.jacceco.2003.10.006. It is a unique number that is supposed to persist should the publisher or Website change (though you may come across DOI links that fail as it isn't a perfect system).

This is an example of a URL that you can build with a DOI that will go to our authentication page and allow you to access the resource from anywhere, just add the DOI to this prefix:   


Stable URLs

Some publishers provide permanent or 'stable' links to individual journal articles. Using a DOI number as above is probably best in the long run but this option can work where a DOI does not exist.

This is an example of a stable URL to an article hosted by JSTOR:
