The ENDS Report is a source of intelligence for environmental professionals, delivering news, analysis and reference across the carbon, environmental and sustainability agenda.
Off-campus users will need to register for a free trial by clicking 'Free Trial', and completing the registration form.
Please use your Lancaster University email and a password of your choice to create your account.
Your registration will be automatically associated to Lancaster University's subscription.
You can then use your ENDS Report account details to access the database at any time.
If you experience any difficulties in using this resource please Contact the Library
Off-campus users will need to register for a free trial by clicking 'Free Trial', and completing the registration form.
Please use your Lancaster University email and a password of your choice to create your account.
Your registration will be automatically associated to Lancaster University's subscription.
You can then use your ENDS Report account details to access the database at any time.
If you experience any difficulties in using this resource please contact the Library Information Point 01524 592516 or email