Sometimes it is difficult to even consider topics suitable for a systematic review of evidence synthesis, library databases can help you search for possible research topics.
You can however filter a literature search with a search string similar to (need* N2 ("further research" OR investig*)) OR ((evidence OR conclusion) N2 (unclear OR uncertain*)). If you combine your search with AND, you may highlight any opportunities for further research.
This however is a very basic example, you should create your own magic 'search string' depending on the prevailing verbiage of your discipline.
Example: MEDLINE search
A search though Ebsco MEDLINE for "health literacy" AND ( (need* N2 ("further research" OR investig*)) OR ((evidence OR conclusion) N2 (unclear OR uncertain*)) )
Retrieved the paper:
Subjective Health Literacy among School-Aged Children: First Evidence from Lithuania.
Which contained the phrase:
"For instance, a longitudinal study could provide further evidence regarding the development of HL"
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