How do I export my references from Endnote into Rayyan, or other software such as Mendeley?
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2024     Views: 2502

To export from Endnote to Rayann


Select all your references (CTRL+A on Windows) then select File and then Export in Endnote.


Choose Endnote Export as the Output Style.  if you do not have this available click 'Select another style' and add from the list.


This will export as a .txt file and can be imported into Rayyan








To Export from Endnote to other software such as Mendeley (Universal, works with most software)


Select all your references (CTRL+A on Windows) then select File and then Export in Endnote.


Choose Refman .RIS Format as the output style, if you do not have this available click 'Select another style' and add from the list.


This will export as a .TXT file and can be imported into your software. Some software may require this saving with a .RIS filetype (Example: exportedreferences.ris)


if you have any issues with export and import, please Contact your Faculty Librarian.
