How do I download full-text automatically with Endnote
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 523

Endnote 20 is able to automatically download Full-Text, saving time in manually downloading each paper. This can be especially handy in a Systematic Review where many papers need to be screened.


Setting Up


In Edit>Preferences you should see the below settings. If you have a copy of Endnote provided by Lancaster University, this should be automatically enabled. If not duplicate the below settings in the options.


OpenURL Path:




(Find Full Text options. Click to enlarge)


Using Find Full Text


You now have the option to click 'Find Full Text' on any paper (mouse right click) and it will log in to your University Account, and attempt the download. If the paper is found it will add it to the record. You can do this with multiple papers, however, please only do this with deduplicated sets of papers and not large 1000+ sets.


(Find Full-Text Option. Click to enlarge)


Once the 'Full-Text' pass is complete, Endnote will show how many Full-Text papers it has found automatically and added to the record, and how many need to be downloaded via a link (Use the link in the abstract, or search in OneSearch). Manually add this paper to the record.


It will also show how many papers were not found. In this case, double-check OneSearch for the full text, and if found manually download and add to the record. If full-text is not available please make a list of unavailable papers and send it to, and we shall investigate an Interlibrary Loan.


Please mention if you are working on a Systematic Review as a significant request of unavailable full-text papers may be queried.


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