Library activity and event proposals

The Library bookable spaces are available to use for University and community-focused events. We particularly welcome proposals for events that bring communities together and support the aspirations and ambitions of our Library vision, Towards 2025. Library bookable spaces are not generally available for teaching or for meetings, unless these are in collaboration with library staff.

Please complete this form to provide details of an activity or event you would like to run in the library. We have a webpage with more information about our event spaces for your convenience. Please complete the form for each individual event unless part of a single re-occurring booking. 

Your event proposal and booking will be handled by one of our team members. Please note that we require 7 DAYS notice for event requests to be processed and may not be able to respond sooner. 

Until confirmed by a member of library staff you have NOT booked the space. 

If your plans for an event change or if you need to cancel, please give us as much notice as possible so we have time to respond to changes in your requirements.

Are there specific spaces you would like to use in the library? *
Fields marked with * are required.